
新概念英语三册 Lesson14 A noble gangster 第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-29 15:50

新概念英语三册 Lesson14 A noble gangster 第(2)套PPT课件

hire vi. (1)(短期,体力)雇佣(2) (暂时)租赁 
Phrase: hire sth (out) to sb 把…租给别人
 hire sth from sb 从别人那租到…
eg. We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
He hired a car for two days. 
"Why don't you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?
You may hire a suit from the shop for your wedding.
Phrase: be dedicated to sth 献身于...
dedicate oneself  to sth / dedicate one’s life to sth 献身于...
dedicate ... to sb 把(作品)奉献给某人    
dedicate … to sth 花费(时间,精力)在某事上
eg. He is dedicated to science.
He dedicated his life to the service of his country.         
He dedicated his first book to his mother. 
He dedicates his Saturdays to football.
make a name for oneself / make one’s name 出名,成名
eg. He made a name for himself as a concert pianist. 
She first made her name as an actress.
be known to sb (as…) (以…)为...所熟知
eg. Zhou Xingchi is known to the audience as “a farce star”.
