
新概念英语三册 Lesson16 Mary had a little lamb 第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-29 16:45

新概念英语三册 Lesson16 Mary had a little lamb 第(3)套免费课件

prize n. award given to the winner of a competition, race, etc(给予获胜者的)奖, 奖励, 奖赏, 奖品, 奖金
eg. She won the first prize in the 100 metres race. 
He won the Noble Prize for Physics.
adj. valuable, valued, precious; 珍贵的,宝贵的;
worthy of a prize; first-class [口]理应得奖的, 第一流的, 非常了不起的(有时含讽刺意)
eg. a prize collection of paintings 珍贵的油画收藏品
a prize gift 珍贵的礼物
prize advice 宝贵意见
our prize students 我们第一流的学生
a prize idiot大傻瓜
theft n. stealing 盗窃行为;盗窃案;盗窃(罪);被盗
eg. He was put in prison for theft/stealing. 他因为偷窃被关进监狱。
commit a theft 行窃
theft of state property 盗窃国家资材
thief n.小偷;贼;盗贼 thieves
deny v.
(1) 否认;否定;拒绝承认
Phrase: deny (doing) sth, deny that…
eg. He said that I had stolen his bicycle, but I denied it.他说我偷了他的自行车,可是我否认了。
He denied any knowledge of their plans. 
He claimed to know nothing about them.他拒不承认这是他的签字.
He denied the signature.
He denied having met her before. 他不承认以前见过她。
He denied that he had met her before. 他不承认以前见过她。
He denied taking the money. 他拒绝承认拿走了钱。
He denied that he took the money. 他拒绝承认拿走了钱。
