
新概念英语三册 Lesson16 Mary had a little lamb 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-29 16:46

新概念英语三册 Lesson16 Mary had a little lamb 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

ashamed adj. (usu predicative常作表语) 羞愧的,惭愧的,不好意思的
Phrases: be/feel ashamed of (doing) sth为...而羞耻/害羞
be/feel ashamed of oneself for sth 为...而羞愧
be/feel ashamed for sb 替某人感到羞愧
be/feel ashamed to do sth 不好意思做…, 以干...为耻(羞愧)
eg. Are you ashamed of having lied?
I am ashamed of my torn coat. 我因破旧的外衣感到害羞。
I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed of myself for it now. 
You behaved so rudely. Even I feel ashamed for you. 
He is ashamed to ask for help.耻于求人
shameful adj. (usu attributive常作定语) 可耻的; 丢脸的
eg. a shameful act/conduct可耻的行为
Phrase: had better do sth > had better not do sth 
最好做某事 > 最好不要做某事,表示语气强烈的建议或命令
conversation 指“无拘束或非正式的谈话”, 如:We had a long telephone conversation.我们通过电话作了长时间的交谈。 chat 指“闲谈”、“聊天”, 如:We need less chat and more work if we're to finish this job today. 如果我们打算今天完成这件工作的话, 那就要少聊天、多工作。dialogue 指“双方对话或戏剧的对白”, 如:The dialogue remained light and friendly. 谈话一直保持轻松愉快和友好的气氛。discussion 指“讨论”、“商议”, 如:I had a long discussion with my friends  about the matter. 这件事我跟朋友们商讨了很久。talk 指“非正式的讲话”, 用于较随便的场合, 如:I met Mrs. Janes at the shop and had a long talk with her. 我在商店遇见了琼斯夫人, 同她谈了很长时间。
