
新概念英语三册 Lesson19 A Very Dear Cat 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-29 17:36

新概念英语三册 Lesson19 A Very Dear Cat 第(4)套课件在线下载

dear adj.(1) Loved and cherished 亲爱的,心爱的
eg. my dearest friend 我最亲爱的朋友
(2) (usu used with “to sb”) Greatly valued; precious 非常受珍视的;宝贵的
eg. He lost everything that was dear to him. 他所珍贵的一切都    失去了。
(3) Highly esteemed or regarded. Used in direct address, especially in salutations 敬爱的, 常用于书信中,尤指用于尊称
eg. Dear Lee Dawson 敬爱的李道森先生
(4) High-priced; expensive 价格高的;昂贵的
eg. Fruit is dear at this time of year. 一年中这个时候水果是很贵的。 
adj. (1)Large in amount, extent, or degree  相当大的在数量、范    围或程度上很大的
eg. a writer of considerable influence 一名有很大影响的作家
a considerable distance 一段颇远的距离
(2) Worthy of consideration; significant  重要的, 值得考虑的;有重大意义的
eg. The economy was a considerable issue in the campaign.
a considerable man in local affairs 
n. (Informal) A considerable amount, extent, or degree.
[美俗]大量, 很大的数量、范围或程度多
eg. He has done considerable for me. 他为我做了不少事。
