
新概念英语三册 Lesson21 Daniel Mendoza 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-29 17:55

新概念英语三册 Lesson21 Daniel Mendoza 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

It is/was …that…先行词it引导的部分强调句,it is/was 后放入正常句子中要被强调的部分,在that 后放入句子的其他部分,如:
My mother threw an egg at the Minister of Education yesterday.(正常句式)
It was my mother that threw an egg at the Minister of Education yesterday.(强调主语)
It was an egg that my mother threw at the Minister of Education yesterday.(强调宾语)
It was yesterday that my mother threw an egg at the Minister of Education.(强调时间状语)
It was the Minister of Education that my mother threw an egg at.(强调介词宾语)
 I did it just a moment ago.
Before 指某事从发生到现在之前的某一时刻,则用于完成时
He said that the supermarket had been opened some years before.
bet  v.打赌
bet on something  以…打赌  -- The public bet on Tom. 公众把赌注押在汤姆的身上。
bet somebody that  和某人打赌  -- I bet her I would win the march.
bet one's bottom dollar on…  孤注一掷在…上  -- He bet his bottom dollar on his last attempt. 
bet on the wrong horse  [口]判断或估计错误
I bet. 我打赌, 我肯定。  
You bet. [俗]当然, 真的, 的确(= certainly)
