
新概念英语三册 Lesson25 The Cutty Sark 第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-30 13:35

新概念英语三册 Lesson25 The Cutty Sark 第(2)套PPT课件

Match = be equal to 与…相匹敌, 相比
Match in/for
-- No form of transport can match aeroplane for speed and comfortable.
-- The hotel can't be matched for service and food.  
To match her做定语修饰ship
replace = take place of,代替
e.g: Nothing in the world can take place of persistence.
be used to,  过去习惯于
e.g: Yet computing can also be used to tackle climate change.
Steamship  n.汽船, 轮船
sailship = sailing ship = sailing vessel  n.帆船
era  n.时期, 时代(= a period time in history)
-- the beginning of the new era  /  the end of old era
era   n.时代, 纪元(人类历史上很长的时期, 以特别的事件为标志)
-- The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ. 
-- Christian  n.基督徒, 信徒 adj.基督教的, 信基督教的
time  n.时代, 时期(比era的时间短)
-- Roman time 罗马时代 /  ancient time 古代  
age  n.时代(特定的历史阶段, 和其它词构成专有名词)
stone age    石器时代   
modern age 当今时代   
middle ages 中世纪
