
新概念英语三册 Lesson31 A loveable eccentric 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-30 14:45

新概念英语三册 Lesson31 A loveable eccentric 第(4)套课件在线下载


Snob  :  1) someone who think he or his class is better than people from a                
lower class and dislikes being with them          势利小人
eg. People invariably hold snobs in despise.
2) 持才傲物的人, 自大的
Intellectual snob     自以为才高八斗的人
Intense  :  having a very strong feeling or felt very strong adj.强烈的, 剧烈的, 热情的, 紧张的
Intense pain  剧烈的痛苦
Intense interest 极大的兴趣
Intensive   adj. 密集的,集中的
Intensive training   集训
Intensive reading   精读
bedraggled : adj.   looking very untidy and dirty because you have been  
caught in a rain  衣服及头发凌乱不堪
look bedraggled   看上去邋遢的样子
dump  n.  垃圾堆
down in the dumps  :very sad and without much interesting in life  伤心透顶
eg. Peter has been feeling down in the dumps since he and his girl friend split up.        v.  砰地一声扔下
eg. He dumped the bag on my desk angrily and slammed the door away.
dump sb : to get rid of   甩掉
