
新概念英语三册 Lesson33 A day to remember 第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-30 14:53

新概念英语三册 Lesson33 A day to remember 第(3)套免费课件

The editor sent a fax to the journalist instructing him to get the news.
I am under the impression that he is the manager of the store.
They piece the log book together.
Please piece up the dress.
1  What would have most upset the woman the day everything went wrong for her?
a. She had not expected her husband to arrive so early.
b. The meal she had cooked for the three guests had got burnt.
c. Her husband had not told her he was bringing anyone to dinner.
d. She had not got enough crockery left to serve the meal with.
2  What might have prevented a chain reaction following the initial collision?
a. If the two drivers who had collided had not begun to argue.
b. Had there been a more experienced driver behind the two cars.
c. If, instead of panicking, the woman had made no attempt to stop.
d. Had the wife of the man who braked not thrown a cake through the window.
