
新概念英语三册 Lesson36 A chance in a million 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

2023-12-31 13:46

新概念英语三册 Lesson36 A chance in a million 第(5)套免费PPT课件下载

plot v. 密谋
plot with sb 与某人密谋    
plot against sb 密谋反对某人   
plot to do 密谋做
The criminals were plotting to rob the bank.
n. 阴谋,密谋 
The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the President.
downfall n. 倒台,垮台
Various factors contributed to his downfall.
conspire v. (事件)巧合促成
The weather and car trouble conspire to spoil our vacation.
We both lost our jobs in the same week, we felt that everything was conspiring against us.
resemblance n. 相似
A bears / has / shows a resemblance to B: A与B相似
The girl bears a close resemblance to her mother.   
Your story has no  resemblance to the facts. 
resemble   v. 相似,类似      
A resemble B in sth :A与B在某方面相似
conspire v. (事件)巧合促成
The weather and car trouble conspire to spoil our vacation.
We both lost our jobs in the same week, we felt that everything was conspiring against us.
resemblance n. 相似
A bears / has / shows a resemblance to B: A与B相似
The girl bears a close resemblance to her mother.   
Your story has no  resemblance to the facts. 你的叙述与事实完全/几乎不符。 
resemble   v. 相似,类似      
A resemble B in sth :A与B在某方面相似
