
新概念英语三册 Lesson40 Who's who第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-31 14:30

新概念英语三册 Lesson40 Who's who第(3)套免费课件

deception n.欺骗(指无关紧要的欺骗,有时也指利已的不诚实行为)
-She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them.
deceit 强调一个人对另一个的故意欺骗
-We are incapable of deceit.
silly a.无意义的,无聊的,无知的
-Don't play such a silly game.
1)foolish 强调愚蠢的,笨的,不明智的
-I told him not to do anything foolish.
2)stupid 强调人及言行缺乏良好的判断力,及一般的智能(主要指天生迟钝)
-His son is born stupid child .
3)dull 指理解迟钝,或健康状况不佳、工作过度而导致的缺乏敏锐的头脑
-The old man's hearing has become dull.
-She is a dull girl.(表示人很呆)
