The deepest known cave
in the world
is the Gouffre Berger
near Grenoble.
It extends to a depth of 3, 723 feet.
This immense chasm
has been formed
by an underground stream
which has tunnelled a course
through a flaw in the rocks.
Everest: the highest mountain in the world. Everest is in the Himalayas [,himə'leiəz]喜马拉雅山脉 , on the border between Tibet and Nepal.
a long range of mountains in southern Asia which includes the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, and other mountains which only very experienced climbers try to climb
1 Tell us about any interesting cave(s) that you have visited anywhere in the world.
2 Tell the class about any interesting adventure that you have had.
3 ‘I just can't understand pot-holers. They must be mad!’ What do you think?