
新概念英语三册 Lesson51 Predicting the future 第(1)套课件下载

2024-01-01 09:59

新概念英语三册 Lesson51 Predicting the future 第(1)套课件下载

I Tell us about the different ways you personally use, or would like to use computers.
2 Make a list of the ways in which computers help us in our daily lives. Then, compare your list with another student's and then with the class.
3‘Computers may not be able to think, but they already rule the world.’ Do they? If so, how? If not, why not? What do you think?
Text: Q: What was the 'future' electronic development that Leon Bagrit wasn't able to foresee?
Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. 
Who could have imagined, in the mid 1970s, for example, that by the end of the 20th century, computers would be as common in people's homes as TV sets?
In the 1970s, computers were common enough, but only in big business, government departments, and large organizations. 
These were the so-called mainframe machines. 
