

2023-07-04 19:38


1. 表示“将来某个时间”将要发生的“动作或状态”。
2. 译文:“将要、打算做事”。e.g.
(1) I ( We ) shall come back tomorrow. 我(我们)明天将回来。
(2) You’ll be fine soon. 你不久将会好。
(3) He is going to see his grandma. 他打算去看望姥姥。
1.will / shall + v.原形表将来
肯:主语 + will/shall + v.原 + 其它
否:I shall not = (shan’t) go to my hometown next week.
疑:Will you go to your hometown next week?
答:肯:Yes, I shall.   否:No, I shan’t.
练习:He will be free tomorrow.
变否:He will not = ( won’t) be free tomorrow.
变疑:Will he be free tomorrow?
肯回:Yes, he will.   否回:No, he  won’t.
★注意: (1) will/shall是“助动词”,后面跟“动词原形”。没有人称和数的变化。
        (2) will可用于各种人称;而shall一般仅用于第一人称之后。
(3) will 和shall 的简写形式为’ll。
        (4) 注意:will not 常可缩略为 ’ll not 或won’t(板书音标);shall not 缩略为shan’t(板书音标)。
特:一般将来时的结构:特殊疑问词+ will/shall +主语+动原+……? 
 I will clean the floor in the classroom tomorrow.
对主语提问(I): Who will clean the floor in the classroom tomorrow?
对谓宾提问(clean the floor): What will you do in the classroom tomorrow?
对宾语提问(the floor):What will you clean in the classroom tomorrow?
对地点提问(in the classroom):Where will you clean the floor tomorrow?
对时间提问(tomorrow):When will you clean the floor in the classroom?
2.“be going to + 动词原形”表将来
肯: 主语 + be(am,is,are)+ going to + v.原 + 其它
否:主语 + be (am, is, are ) + not + going to + v.原 + 其它
疑: Be (Am, Is, Are) + 主语 + going to + v.原 + 其它?
答:肯:Yes,主+be.  否:No,主+be+not.     
练习:I’m going to do my homework this evening.
       变否:I’m not going to do my homework this evening.
       变疑:Are you going to do your homework this evening? 
       否回:No, I’m not.      肯回:Yes, I am.
He is going to go swimming this afternoon.
      变否:He is not going to go swimming this afternoon.
       变疑:Is he going to go swimming this afternoon?
特:特殊疑问词 + be (am, is, are) + 主语 + going to + v.原 + 其它? (除对主语提问)
      I am going to clean the classrooms in the school tomorrow morning.
(1) 对主语提问:
Who is going to clean the classrooms in the school tomorrow morning?
(2) 对谓宾提问: 
       What are you going to do in the school tomorrow morning?
(3) 对宾语提问:
       What are you going to clean in the school tomorrow morning?
(4) 对地点提问: 
       Where are you going to clean the classrooms tomorrow morning?
(5) 对时间提问:
       When are you going to clean the classrooms in the school?
