
人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit5 Working the land Period 5 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-05 17:16

人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit5  Working the land Period 5 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

Chemical pesticides and artificial 
fertilisers have been in widespread use in farming since the middle of the 20th 
century. When they were first introduced, many farmers welcomed them as a great way to fight crop 
disease and increase production. Over time, however, what some scientists have found is that their long-term use can sometimes harm both the land and people’s health.    
In fact, some pesticides like DDT have been prohibited in most countries because of the damage they cause to people and the environment. As for chemical fertilisers, crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition. They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals, and they often have less flavour as well.
Organic farmers also use many other methods to produce rich soil. They often change the kind of crop grown in each field every year. For instance, they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready for the next batch of crops. 
1)The goal of using organic farming methods is to grow good food while avoiding damage to the environment or to people’s health.
2) Yes, I think this goal can be reached. 
People’s awareness of eating organic foods is increasing. And farmers worked for centuries without using any kinds of chemicals and without harming the environment, and the food they produced was just fine. 
Some people would prefer to stop the use of man-made chemicals in agriculture entirely. What keeps them from doing so is the fact that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world. Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet that need. Therefore, there is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as healthy as possible.
