
人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit1 Science and Scientists Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-05 17:20

人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit1  Science and Scientists Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

One way to get more out of your listening is to predict what you will hear. Using the pictures provided and the knowledge you already have, you can guess the kinds of information you should listen for. At times, you may even be able to guess exactly what will be talked about. This will help you focus better when listening, making your listening more effective.
A I think the dish in this exhibition is related to sound. Maybe the boy is whispering into the smaller circle and the dish can make his voice louder.
This looks like a piano you play with your feet.Maybe it shows how sound works.
The photos above are related to the conversation you will hear. Using the photos, try to predict the answers to the following questions.
1 Where are the people in the conversation going to go?
 They are going to a science museum.
2. What kind of place is it, and what does it focus on?
 It is a science museum that focuses on letting visitors experience science through interactive learning exhibitions.
3 .What kinds of things can you do there?
You can probably try different activities to learn about sound, light, reflection, and so on. For example, you can go to a room with many mirrors facing each other so it looks like there are many copies of you! Or you can play with a big piano on the floor.
