
人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit1 SCIENCE FICTION Period 2 课件

2024-01-05 19:35

人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit1  SCIENCE  FICTION Period 2 课件

For example, robots first appeared in sci-fi novels, but now robot soldiers have already beentested outin war.Robot experts have also built robots that can see, talk, and do other things like humans. Although a robot that looks_more like a human than a machine could make many people a bit uncomfortable, we have to admit that it is afascinating possibility. Sophia, currently said to be the most advanced Al robot in the world, is a great example. She has been interviewed many times, appeared on the covers of magazines,and become the first non-human in the world to be given
citizenship by a country. When it comes to games, 2017 became a year in which Al defeated humans in so many games that Al researchers say that it will not be long before Al can win at almost everything. So, have we lost thedignityof being the most intelligent creature? Maybe in the future, as Al becomes even moreintelligent; it will become a major threat to humans. However, some peopledismissthis    
fear. They believe if Al can handle tasks like calculating (计算) and driving for us, we will have more time for creating, thinking, and “being human”.
