
新概念英语三册 Lesson24 A skeleton in the cupboard 第(4)套课件在线下载

2023-12-30 11:42

新概念英语三册 Lesson24 A skeleton in the cupboard 第(4)套课件在线下载

She married young. (she married when she was young.) 她结婚结得早。  
He used to come back home drunk. (he used to be drunk when he came back home.)他过去常常喝醉酒回家。
They parted pretty good friends. (they were pretty good friends when they parted.)他们分别时就已经是好朋友。
He was born blind. (He was blind when he was born.) 他生下来就眼睛就瞎了。
We will live quite contented. (We will be quite contented when we live.)我们会生活得很满意。
1. I always came home frightfully worried and wretched if I had sent          someone to prison or to a detention centre. ( =I was always frightfully     worried and wretched when I came home)   
2. If you lose the imagination, passion and curiosity in your twenties, you     would die young.
3. The boy who had been in the kidnappers’ hands for the past two days     returned home, safe and sound.
4. The beautiful girl student was sitting in the front of the classroom, silent. 
1. 如果我把某人送到监狱或拘留中心,我回家时就感到非常焦虑和不安。
2. 如果你在20多岁就丧失了想象力、激情和好奇心,那么你会在很年轻时“死去”。
3. 在绑匪手中困了两天的男孩安然无恙地回到家。      
4. 那个漂亮的女生正安安静静地坐在教室的前面。
