
新概念英语三册 Lesson31 A loveable eccentric 第(1)套课件下载

2023-12-30 14:44

新概念英语三册 Lesson31 A loveable eccentric 第(1)套课件下载

Convention :custom, tradition, accepted practice
eg. In the light of traditional Chinese conventions, people will stay up to      celebrate Eve.       
follow the local conventions 准守当地的风俗习惯
break down the old conventions突破旧传统
routine : the usual or normal way in which you do things
常规, 惯例
daily routine 日常生活
adj.    常规的, 例行的
a routine medical examination常规身体检查
routine meetings   例行会议
invariably  adv. always
eg. parents seem invariably right.
variable  n. (数)变量
adj. likely to change often   易变的,多变的
the variable nature of the English climate        英国气候的多变性
invariable   不变的
invariable temperature 恒温
eccentricity    n. 怪癖
eg. The old man had a reputation for eccentricity.
eccentric   (行为古怪超常的)怪人
eg. I was regarded as a sort of eccentric when I quit my seemingly promising job.
legendary  adj. 传奇式的
eg. Michael Jordan, a legendary figure in US basketball, was considered to be the best player of the 1980s and 1990s.
