
新概念英语三册 Lesson31 A loveable eccentric 第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-30 14:45

新概念英语三册 Lesson31 A loveable eccentric 第(2)套PPT课件

The Eight Eccentric Painters of Yang zhou, with Zheng Banqiao as its representative, refers to the painters in the region of Yang zhou in the reigns of Kangxi and Qian long in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Their paintings have strong personal character, breaking away from the restrains of that time. The style of their paintings has influenced a lot of great painters of later generations, such as Zhao Zhiqian, Qi Baishi and Wu Changshuo. The eight painters were not only masters of poem, calligraphy (书法)and painting, but also good at seal cutting(篆刻艺术) . 
True eccentrics never deliberately  set out to  draw attention to themselves. They disregard   social conventions  without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add color to the dull   routine of everyday life.
follow /conform to social conventions 
---She is a woman who invariably disregards social conventions .
---It is a matter of  convention that men should open doors for ladies .
