
新概念英语三册 Lesson50 New Year resolutions第(3)套免费课件

2023-12-31 19:49

新概念英语三册 Lesson50 New Year resolutions第(3)套免费课件

1. What was past experience of New Year resolutions taught us?
It has taught us that certain things are beyond attainment.
2.Why is it a basic mistake to announce our resolutions to everybody?
Because we look even more foolish when we fall back into our old ways.
3. Why did the writer not carry out his resolution on New Year’s Day?
Because he went to an all –night party on New Year’s Eve.
1. What is a time for resolutions?
2. How could most of us compile a list of “dos” and “don’ts”?
3. Do the same old favorites recur  year in year out?
4. What kinds of things do we resolve to do?
5. Why do most of us fail in our efforts at self – improvement? 
6. What fundamental error do many of  us make?
7.How do we look when we slip back into our old ways?
8.What did the writer resolve to do this year?
9. How long did his daily exercise last?
10. When did he propose to do them
