
新概念英语三册 Lesson50 New Year resolutions第(2)套PPT课件

2023-12-31 19:49

新概念英语三册 Lesson50 New Year resolutions第(2)套PPT课件

1 Tell us about a New Year resolution that you have made, and how you tried to keep it.
2 Make a list of six resolutions that you would like to make next New Year. Compare and discuss them with another student or two.
3 ‘New Year resolutions are pointless. No one ever keeps them.’ 
Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of “dos” and  “don’ts”.
Paraphrase: At least, most of us would make a list of what we “dos” and  “don’ts” in our mind, even though they seem very difficult to achieve. 
“dos” and  “don’ts”  means that what we should do and what we should not do.
句型:It   is/was …  that ……
被强调的部分就是that 前面的那部分
e.g.  It was Mr. Tang  that inspired the students with enthusiasm in learning English.
It was the bad weather that made the students difficult to go to school.
确定句子是不是强调句,把It   is/was …  that 去掉,句子成分依然完整。
After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions, I sat down at the breakfast table in an exhausted condition. It was this that betrayed me. 
这里动词ing 是一个分词作状语形式。
It was this that betrayed me.  强调句型
This 在这里指代什么?
