
VOA慢速英语听力:了解中暑的症状 Know the Signs of Heat Stroke

2023-07-15 22:21

VOA慢速英语听力:了解中暑的症状 Know the Signs of Heat Stroke.

The American Southwest is experiencing extremely high temperatures and that has health officials concerned. 美国西南部地区正经历极高温度,这令卫生官员感到担忧。

Along the U.S.-Mexico border, federal agents reported 10 deaths in early July. Another 45 people had to be rescued from the heat. 在美国与墨西哥边境地区,联邦特工报告称七月初有10人死亡,另外45人被从高温中救出。

The city of Phoenix, Arizona may be on its way to breaking a record for most back-to-back days with a high temperature over 43 degrees Celsius. The current record was set in 1974. Even morning low temperatures in Phoenix are tying historic records. 亚利桑那州凤凰城可能正在打破高温持续天数超过43摄氏度的记录。当前记录是在1974年创下的。即使在凤凰城的早晨低温也刷新了历史记录。

Signs of heat-related sickness 高温引发的疾病征兆

Health officials are advising people to limit how much time they spend outdoors and to know the warning signs of heat sickness. 卫生官员建议人们限制户外活动的时间,并了解高温疾病的警告信号。

Common signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke are heavy sweating and dizziness. Uncontrolled muscle movements and vomiting are also common. 高温疲劳和中暑的常见症状包括大量出汗和头晕。失控的肌肉运动和呕吐也很常见。

Heat stroke is a serious condition that happens when the body loses its ability to control temperature. This includes losing the ability to sweat. 中暑是一种严重的状况,当身体失去控制体温的能力时就会发生。这包括失去出汗的能力。

As a person’s body temperature reaches 39 degrees Celsius, their skin gets hot and red. Their heart rate speeds up. Their head might hurt and they may feel sick to their stomach, feel confused or even lose consciousness. 当一个人的体温达到39摄氏度时,他们的皮肤会变得发热和发红。他们的心率加快。他们可能头痛,感到恶心,感到困惑甚至失去意识。

Jon Femling is an emergency medicine doctor and scientist at the University of New Mexico. He told the Associated Press that the body tries to cool itself by pumping blood to the skin. Also, as a person breathes heavily, they lose fluids and become dehydrated. A lot of sweating also leads to the loss of important nutrients, such as sodium and potassium. 乔恩·费姆林是新墨西哥大学的急诊医学医生和科学家。他告诉美联社,人体试图通过将血液输送到皮肤来降低体温。此外,当人呼吸急促时,他们会失去体液并出现脱水。大量出汗还会导致重要营养物质如钠和钾的流失。

Femling said that, at first, the muscles feel tired. Then organs like the kidneys, spleen and liver can start to become damaged and stop working. At the most severe level, the brain becomes affected. 费姆林表示,起初,肌肉会感到疲劳。然后肾脏、脾脏和肝脏等器官可能开始受损并停止工作。在最严重的情况下,大脑受到影响。

Experts say it is important for people to be able to recognize when others may be suffering from heat stroke. That is because people suffering from the condition might not realize they are in danger. Confusion could influence their thinking. 专家表示,人们能够识别他人是否可能患有中暑非常重要。这是因为患有中暑的人可能意识不到自己处于危险之中。困惑可能会影响他们的思维。

If heat stroke is suspected, call 911 for emergency services. Try to lower the person's body temperature with a cool, wet cloth or a cool bath. 如果怀疑患有中暑,应拨打911寻求紧急救援。尝试用凉湿的布或冷水浴降低患者的体温。

Older people, children and those with health conditions face greater risk from high temperatures. High heat puts extra pressure on the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels. 老年人、儿童和那些有健康问题的人在高温下面临更大的风险。高温会给心血管系统增加额外的压力。心血管系统包括心脏和血管。

During extreme heat, experts urge people to stay indoors and to seek air-conditioned buildings. They also suggest drinking more water than usual, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and eating lighter meals. 在极端高温天气下,专家建议人们待在室内并寻找有空调的建筑物。他们还建议多喝水,避免咖啡因和酒精,以及吃较为清淡的饭食。

Learning limits 学习极限

Researchers at Arizona State University (ASU) are trying to better understand the effects of extreme heat on the body. They use a special mannequin called ANDI that has about 30 sensors. It is designed to operate like a human and even to sweat. 亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)的研究人员正在努力更好地了解极端高温对身体的影响。他们使用一种名为ANDI的特殊模拟人体,上面装有大约30个传感器。它被设计成可以像人类一样运作,甚至可以出汗。

Jenni Vanos is a professor at ASU's School of Sustainability. She said her team is trying to understand how people deal with extreme heat. Jenni Vanos是ASU可持续发展学院的教授。她表示她的团队正试图了解人们如何应对极端高温。

They use ANDI and a "warm room," where temperatures can reach 60 degrees Celsius, to study the effects of heat. 他们使用ANDI和一个温室,温度可以达到60摄氏度,来研究高温的影响。

Vanos said measuring short- and long-wave radiation in the environment can tell researchers how much a surface will heat up during the day. She added that means finding shade is a very important part of reducing the effects of heat on the human body. Vanos说,测量环境中的短波和长波辐射可以告诉研究人员表面在白天会升温多少。她补充说,寻找阴凉之处是减少高温对人体影响的非常重要的一部分。

Summer storms could ease heat 夏季风暴可能缓解高温

Changes in weather often ease waves of extreme heat. In South Asia, the monsoon winds bring rain. But in the American Southwest, the El Niño weather event this year might prevent expected summer thunderstorms. 天气的变化通常会缓解极端高温。在南亚,季风风带来雨水。但在美国西南部,今年的厄尔尼诺天气事件可能会阻止预期的夏季雷雨。

Sam Meltzer is a National Weather Service meteorologist. He said the coming weather will depend on winds from the Gulf of California. He added that summer storms might be delayed this year. Sam Meltzer是美国国家气象局的气象学家。他说未来的天气将取决于来自加利福尼亚湾的风。他补充说,今年夏季的风暴可能会延迟。

I'm Mario Ritter, Jr. 我是马里奥·里特(Mario Ritter)。

Words in This Story

sweat –v. to release water from the skin to cool the body

dizziness –n. a feeling of losing balance and falling

vomit –v. to involuntarily expel what is in the stomach because of a sick feeling

confused –adj. to be unable to think clearly

consciousness –n. the state of being awake and knowing what is going on around you

mannequin –n. a device that looks like a human body that is often used in experiments to observe experiments’ effects on a body

professor n. a teacher at a college or university who has certain privileges related to employment

meteorologist –n. a scientist who talks about the weather and atmospheric conditions
