
VOA慢速英语听力:AM电台反对从汽车上拆除AM收音机 AM Radio Stations Oppose Removing AM Radios from Cars

2023-08-05 21:31

VOA慢速英语听力:AM电台反对从汽车上拆除AM收音机 AM Radio Stations Oppose Removing AM Radios from Cars.

The move by automobile manufacturers to include radios in cars nearly 100 years ago helped spread AM radio across the United States.


But now, some carmakers want to stop providing AM radio in their new vehicles.


The first cars to be sold with radios were introduced in the 1930s. They only received one kind of radio transmission, those that broadcast using AM, or amplitude modulation.


After some time, radios could receive transmissions in AM and FM. FM stands for frequency modulation.


For many years, those were the only choices. But after a while, car makers added 8-track players, audio cassette players, compact disc players and eventually Bluetooth connections so people could play music from mobile devices such as an iPhone.


However, cars are no longer sold with 8-track players or compact disc players. And now, some new electric cars are being sold with radios that only receive FM signals. Car makers say the driving systems in electric vehicles interfere with the AM signal.


That concerns the people who own and work at about 4,000 radio stations in the U.S. that broadcast in AM. One of them is in the small town of Dimmitt, Texas. Nancy and Todd Whalen own the radio station KDHN-1470, which has been broadcasting since 1963. They are the only employees, and they talk on the radio every morning. The Whalens have run the station for eight years.


They say they do it, so Dimmitt has something to feel good about. “We feel like what we’ve done and continue to do is provide that, not just for Dimmitt, but for all the small towns in the area that no longer have local radio stations.”


KDHN also runs a translator, or a system that changes the signal so their programs can also be heard on FM. But the AM signal is much stronger. The FM signal covers about a 30-kilometer radius from the transmitter while the AM signal covers 160 kilometers.


Nancy Whalen called the AM signal “our bread and butter since the beginning.”


The reduction in the number of AM stations has many people worried. That includes broadcasters, business owners, farmers and lawmakers. Some broadcasting companies that own AM radio stations are selling their land because it is more profitable than running a radio station.


Amy Klobuchar is a senator from Minnesota. She is concerned about losing AM radio stations. They keep people in her large state informed.


In an online video, Klobuchar said AM radio “gives people the information they need in many of our rural areas…” She noted that “a lot of people drive long distances” in rural areas and listen to the radio in the car. She also said of AM radio: “This is where people find their local news.”


Klobuchar and others are working on the “AM For Every Vehicle Act.”


They want to keep AM radio in cars. The lawmakers say the car makers should find a way to keep AM radio.


When Klobuchar talks about people in rural areas, she is talking about people like Rodney Hunter. He supervises two grain storage structures, called silos, in Texas. He said farmers will listen to the radio on their way to sell grain. Without the news on AM radio, they would not know if grain prices were up or down.


“Farmers are in their (trucks or tractors) going up and down the road,” Hunter said. He added it is easier for them to listen to the agriculture news on AM radio than to try to find the information online.


But the people who run AM radio stations are not just farmers and small-town business people with a sense of civic pride.


About five hours southeast of the grain-storage building, Joann Whang is a pharmacist who listens to KKDA-730 in Dallas, Texas. It is a Korean-language station. At first, Whang said she thought listening to a Korean station was only for old people.


“But it actually was pretty interesting,” she said. She said she got a lot of information and even heard Korean pop songs, known as K-pop.


The station is owned by DK Media Group. The company also runs two Korean-language newspapers. Stephanie Min Kim is the president. She said removing AM from cars would hurt small companies like hers that broadcast in languages other than English. It is too costly to buy a license, or government permission, to broadcast in FM, she said.

这家电台是DK Media Group所有的。该公司还经营着两份韩语报纸。斯蒂芬妮·敏·金是公司的总裁。她说,从汽车中移除AM将会伤害像她这样使用非英语语言广播的小公司。购买FM广播的许可证或政府许可证成本太高,她表示。

Kim once worked for the Korean broadcaster KBS. She said, “We feel that it is our duty to help and support our Korean immigrants integrate into American society.” She said her radio station hosts discussions with experts in law, healthcare, and education that help people from Korea learn about life in the U.S.


She said if AM is removed from cars, the transmissions face an “existential threat.” That means the existence of the stations is threatened.


Radio Caravan is another small broadcaster in Dallas. It broadcasts in Hindi, Tamil, and English on AM 700. Aparna Ragnan is a radio host. She said carmakers should find a way to keep AM.

无线电大篷车(Radio Caravan)是达拉斯的另一家小型广播公司。它在AM 700上用印地语、泰米尔语和英语进行广播。阿帕尔纳·拉格南(Aparna Ragnan)是其中一名主持人。她说汽车制造商应该设法保留AM。

Vaibhav Sheth is the station manager. He said the sound quality of the AM stations is not a problem. He said the information that the stations provide is more important than sound quality. In addition, he notes that AM stations are important in emergencies. The emergency signals go off to alert listeners about bad weather, like a tornado, or a child who is in danger.

Vaibhav Sheth是该电台的经理。他表示AM电台的音质并不是问题。他说电台提供的信息比音质更重要。此外,他指出AM电台在紧急情况下很重要。紧急信号会发出警报,提醒听众有关恶劣天气(如龙卷风)或处于危险中的儿童的情况。

“Whatever it is that’s happening,” he said, “it goes to the AM frequency.”


I’m Steve Herman. And I’m Dan Friedell.

我是史蒂夫·赫尔曼(Steve Herman)。我是丹·弗里德尔(Dan Friedell)。

Words in This Story

transmission –n. (broadcasting) the sending of a specific radio signal for broadcast

8-track, cassette, compact disc –n. different kinds of devices that store information to play back sound

rural –adj. in the countryside and not in the city or suburbs

bread and butter –adj. (idiomatic) very basic and necessary

pharmacist –n. a person whose job it is to prepare and provide drugs and medicines called for by a medical doctor’s orders

integrate –v. to make a person part of a large group, organization or community

frequency –n. (broadcasting) a measure of a radio wave signal that is received by a radio
