
现在进行时50个句子 - 建议大家熟读

2024-06-25 07:58

现在进行时50个句子 - 建议大家熟读

1.lam reading a book.(我正在读一本书。)
2.They are playing soccer in the park.(他们正在公园里踢足球。)
3.We are studying for the exam.(我们正在为考试而学习。)
4.She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(她正在厨房做晚饭。)
5.He is watching TV at home.(他正在家里看电视。)
6.The kids are playing in the backyard.(孩子们正在后院玩耍。)
7.We are going for a walk in the park.(我们正在公园散步。)
8.They are having lunch at a restaurant.( 他们正在饭店吃午餐。)
9.She is writing a letter to her friend.(她正在给她的朋友写信。)
10.He is painting a picture in his studio.(他正在他的工作室里画画。)
11.They are working on a group project.(他们正在进行一个团队项目。)
12.We are visiting our grandparents this weekend.(我们这个周末要去拜访我们的祖父母。)
13.The team is practicing for the big game团队正在为重要比赛进行训练。)
14.She is playing the piano in the living room她正在客厅弹钢琴。)
15.He is fixing his car in the garage.(他正在车库修理他的车。)
16.They are watching a movie at the cinema(他们正在电影院观看电影。)
17.We are having a party at our house.(我们正在我们家举办派对。)
18.She is cleaning her room.(她正在打扫她的房间。)
19.He is speaking on the phone with a client(他正在和客户通电话。)
20.They are shopping at the mall.(他们正在商场购物。)
21.We are listening to music in the car.(我们正在车里听音乐。)
22.She is practicing yoga in the park.(她正在公园里练习瑜伽。)
23.He is studying English for his up coming trip.(他正在为即将到来的旅行学习英语。)
24.They are having a picnic by the lake.(他们正在湖边野餐。)
25.We are swimming in the pool.(我们正在游泳池游泳。)
26.She is typing an email on her computer她正在电脑上打字发邮件。)
27.He is playing video games with his friends.(他正在和朋友玩电子游戏。)
28.They are taking a walk on the beach.(他们正在海滩上散步。)
29. We are having a barbecue in the backyard.(我们正在后院烧烤。)
30.She is dancing in the dance studio.(她正在舞蹈室跳舞。)
31. He is studying for his upcoming exam.(他正在为即将到来的考试学习。)
32.They are working on a new project.(他们正在进行一个新项目的工作。)
33.We are cleaning the house.(我们正在打扫房子。)
34.She is playing with her dog in the park要。)
35.He is cooking dinner for his family.( 他正在为他的家人做晚饭。)
36.They are hiking in the mountains.(他们正在山上徒步旅行。)
37.We are watching a movie at the cinema.(我们正在电影院观看电影。)
in her38She is practicing the guitar bedroom.(她正在她的卧室里练习吉他。)
39.He is playing basketball with his friends.(他正在和朋友们打篮球。)
40.They are studying at the library.(他们正在图书馆学习。)
41.am writing an email to my friend.(我正在给朋友写邮件。)
42.They are studying for the exam.(他们正在为考试而学习。)
43.She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(她正在厨房做晚饭。)
44.He is watching a movie at home.(他正在家里看电影。)
45.We are having a picnic in the park.(我们正在公园野餐。)
46.They are playing soccer on the field.( 他们正在球场上踢足球。)
47.She is reading a book in bed.(她正在床上读书。)
48.He is practicing the guitar in his room.(他正在房间里练习吉他。)
49.They are shopping at the mall.(他们正在商场购物。)
50.We are walking along the beach.(我们正在沿着海滩散步。)
