
一般过去时50个句子 - 建议大家熟读

2024-06-25 07:49

一般过去时50个句子 - 建议大家熟读

1.went to the park yesterday.(昨天我去了公园。)
2. She visited her grandparents last week(上周她去看望了她的祖父母。)
3.They played soccer on Saturday.(他们在星期六踢足球。)
4.He studied French for three years.(他学了三年法语。)
5.We watched a movie last night.(昨晚我们看了一部电影。)
6.The dog barked loudly.( 那只狗叫得很大声。)
7.It rained heavily yesterday.(昨天下了很的雨。)
8.She cooked dinner for her family.(她为她的家人做了晚餐。)
9.They visited the museum last month.(他们上个月参观了博物馆。)
10.1played the piano when I was younger(我小时候弹钢琴。)
11.The kids laughed and played in the park(孩子们在公园里笑着玩耍。)
12.He broke his leg while skiing.(他滑雪时摔断了腿。)
13.We won the game against the rival team我们在对手队伍中赢得了比赛。)
14.She finished reading the book in two days.(她两天内读完了这本书。)
15.They traveled to Europe last summer.(他们去年夏天去了欧洲。)
16.I called my parents yesterday.(昨天我给父母打了电话。)
17.He lived in China for five years.(他在中国生活了五年。)
18.We ate dinner at the new restaurant. ( 我们在新开的餐厅吃了晚餐。)
19.She sang a beautiful song at the concert.(她在音乐会上唱了一首美丽的歌曲。)
20. They visited their friends over the weekend.(他们在周末去拜访了朋友。)
21.The sun rose early this morning.(太阳今早升得很早。)
22. played basketball with my friends yesterday.(昨天我和朋友们一起打篮球。)
23.She bought a new dress for the party.(她为聚会买了一条新裙子。)
24.They danced all night at the wedding.(他们在婚礼上跳了一整晚。)
25.He cooked a delicious meal for his family.(他为他的家人做了一顿美味的饭菜。)
26.We visited the zoo during our vacation.(我们在假期期间参观了动物园。)
27.She played the guitar at the concert.(她在音乐会上弹吉他。)
28.They traveled around the world last year.(他们去年周游了世界各地。)
29.I took a walk in the park this morning.(今早我在公园里散步。)
30.He read an interesting book yesterday(昨天他读了一本有趣的书。)
31.We visited our grandparents on Sunday星期天我们去看望了祖父母。)
32.She finished her homework before dinner在晚餐前她完成了作业。)
33.They watched a movie at the cinema.(他们在电影院里看了一部电影。)
34.He played video games all night.(他整夜都在玩游戏。)
35.I went swimming in the pool last summer.去年夏天我去游泳池游泳。)
36.She visited her friend's house yesterday(昨天她去看望了她朋友家。
37.They studied for the exam all day.(他们整天都在为考试而学习。)
38.We went shopping at the mall.(我们去了商场购物。)
39.He took a vacation for a week (他去度假个星期。)
40. visited my grandparents last summer.(我去年夏天去看望了我的祖父母。)
41.She played the piano at the concert.(她在音乐会上弹琴。)
42.They traveled to Japan in 2019.(他们在2019年去了日本。)
43.He studied English for five years.(他学习英语学了五年。)
44.We watched a movie last night.(昨晚我们看了一部电影。)
45.She cooked dinner for her family.(她为她的家人做了晚餐。)
46.They won the game against their rivals(他们在对手中赢得了比赛。)
47.He broke his leg while playing soccer.(他踢足球时摔断了腿。)
48.We lived in Paris for two years.(我们在巴黎住了两年。)
49.She visited the art museum yesterday.(昨天她参观了艺术博物馆。)
50.They called their friends on the phone.(他们打电话给他们的朋友。)
