

2024-06-25 07:45


一、在 when, while, until, before, after, as soon as等引导的条件或时间状语从句中,遵循
若主语的谓语动词是一般将来时,则从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时 来体现一般将来时
I will meet him when he comes here.
(之前学的让步状语连词if也是主将从现)We’ll go to the beach if it doesn't rain tomorrow. 

1.We can hardly reach an agreement until the meeting __________(end).
He can get high marks after he goes over the books carefully.

2.Please let me know as soon as you __________(finish) the work.
Do as the Romans do when you are in Rome.

3. The Changzhou Metro Line 2 is expected to be in use as soon as it__________(complete) in the near future.
She wants to be a singer when she grows up.
主句暗示将来或者未发生的事,常见动词包括want, expect, promise等,暗示事情在将来发生

Sammy __________(nod) to me with a sincere expression when I met him the day before.
Few people ____________(listen) to him while he was making his speech.

She has lived here since she moved to Changzhou.
It is/ has been some time since+一般过去时从句
Some time has passed since+ 一般过去时从句
☆Seventy years _________(pass) since the Republic of China was founded(成立).

三、until, till和not…until的用法: 在until/till引导时间状语从句中
He worked until/till it was dark.
如主句的谓语动词是非延续性动词,主句用否定形式,表示该动作一直到until所表示的时间才发生,构成“not…until”句式,有时可用never, nothing, hardly等否定词代替not,表示“直到……才”
I didn't go to bed until my mom came back last night.
1)-When did the flight land on this airport?
  -Not until the snowstorm _________(stop), It didn’t last for too long.
2)-How long will the discussion last?
  -Until the final reports ___________(give) out to every attendee(与会者).
---Could you tell me when the train ____________?
---I’m not sure. But I promise to inform(告知) you when it_____________(arrive).

一般初中阶段的出题,在从句中都是考察主动(when doing, after doing, before doing)
如 He almost fell asleep when he was having lessons
   He used to fell asleep when he had lessons.
从句 when having lessons
同样适用于after, before, since等其他连词。此时从句时态已经不重要了

1. Since_______(deal) with business worldwide, we are highly praised by the customers.
2.Since I have spent so much time playing computer games these days, I would rather work harder than before            (pass) the exam.

例:These brightly colored bicycles can be seen everywhere.They________(lock) by the user after riding,and then unlocked by the next rider with a mobile phone.

Since you _____________ (forget) the new words, why not open your books and review them?
It is half an hour since the firemen ___________(control) the fire.

1.As soon as he  (offer) a well﹣paid job,he called his parents to tell them the good news.
2.Many people like to add some sugar while  (drink) black tea.
3.I ____________(not realize) I left the key at home until I got to my car.So I had to go back.
4.﹣Did the old soldiers from Taiwan enjoy the welcome party last Friday?
﹣Yes.They were so excited to see their friends again.Most of them   (not see) each other since 1949.
5.Don't worry about your boy too much.His temperature    (drop) back to normal after he takes this medicine.
6.When the famous scientist stayed in Paris, he ________ (choose) to make a living by drawing.
7. It is said that they  (keep) searching for the missing plane until it is found.
8.Zhu Ting, one of the best volleyball Players of China, says she will return whenever she   (need).
9. I had my finger cut when I __________ (divide) the watermelon into pieces.
10. All the children  ___________(bring) back to their parents yesterday after the police found them.
11. I don't think he stole the painting. When he__________  (ask) what he was doing at 7 yesterday evening, he was very calm.
12.We do believe that our future life will get better and better since science and technology____________(develop) all the time.
13. --- Will he come and join us in the match?
      --- Not until he _______________ (finish) his work.
14.The teacher with the students ______________(discuss) the problem when Sandy passed by.
15. --- When did you lose your purse?
   --- I’m not sure. Maybe yesterday afternoon when I ___________ (run) after my pet.
16. The classroom had a power cut while we__________ (have) a physics lesson.
17.Prices ______________(rise) since China’s opening to outside world.
18.Miss Green ___________(teach) English in Nanjing for three years before she returned to London.  
19.I first met Ann in 2008 and we _________(be)  friends ever since.   
20. More than one foreigner _____________(lay) their bags in the coach in a hurry when I passed the hotel.
21. she ________(discuss) with me as soon as she finishes reading the book The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.
22. No decision about the projects ________ (make) before they are discussed.
23. My grandfather ________ (shake) the bottle twice before he took the medicine.
24. Water___________(provide) for the people in the disaster areas as soon as it arrives.
