
人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of achievement Period 6 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-05 15:04

人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 1 People of achievement Period 6 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

The book tells the life story of the novelist Cao Xueqin, author of The Dream of the Red Mansions. Cao was born to a rich family but suffered great poverty for most of his life. He drew on his life experiences to write this famous novel, which was published after his death.
Even though Keller wrote this autobiography when she was only 22 years old. it is considered a great book in American literature. It tells about her dark and silent childhood, and how her teacher Anne Sullivan opened up a new world to her by teaching her how to communicate.
Isaacson interviewed Steve Jobs over forty times, and interviewed hundreds of Jobs friends. relatives and rivals to sum up Jobs remarkable life. The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products.
Use the examples above to help you 
Write about how the book makes you feel or think about that person 
Write about your overall feelings about the book and its quality 
Give your opinion: Should others read this book as well? why or why not?
It is considered a great book in American literature.
The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products.
在名人传记上有许多不错的传记或自传,我尤其喜欢阅读一位美国著名传记作家写的关于史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的传记。
There are many good biographies or autobiographies on https://www.vrrw.net 
and I especially love to read more about The Steve Jobs by a well-known American biographer.
After reading the book, I have a special feeling on these three aspects: the value of minimalism, the goal of life in the history books, and the four great qualities: focus, determination, hard work, and perfection. Isaacson interviewed Steve Jobs over forty times, and interviewed hundreds of Jobs’friends,relatives and rivals to sum up Jobs’ remarkable life. The result is an interesting story of a man driven to succeed and driven to make perfect products.
