
人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-05 15:43

人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

Artificial Intelligence, short for AI. It is a new technology science to research and develop application system for simulating and extending human intelligence. The key of AI is the ability to construct and move objects, use tools and manipulate machines that are similar to or superior to humans. There are a lot of tools that use artificial intelligence.
The idea of nanobots is to apply biological principles at the nanoscale(纳米尺度), discovering new phenomena, and developing programmable molecular robots(分子机器人).Scientists have developed a variety of nanobots that can walk into the microscopic world of the human body, it is expected to be used to remove harmful substances, repair damaged genes, maintain human health and prolong human life.
Automation has evolved to a high degree of automation in self-learning, self-organization, self -maintenance, and self-repair, with automation being particularly important in the field of machine building. The automation of machine-building is mainly shown in the heavy and dangerous work of replacing people. 
Cloning is the creation of a pure cell line from the same ancestor cell, in which each cell is genetically identical to the other. In the late 1980s, China had been using embryonic cells (胚胎细胞)as a donor to clone the mammals. By the mid-1990s, six kinds of mammals including mouse, rabbit, goat, cow, pig and horse, had been "cloned" by this method.
Challenges: With the development of computer technology, more users’ 
information are stolen.  More people are out of work because of automation. 
Cloning may result in disorder. The Polar bears and other animals will lost their home because of the melt ice caused by global warming.
Opportunities: More information is available to users owing to the
development of computer technology.  People can free themselves to enjoy life because of automation. Cloning may cure more patients. People can live in harmony with the Polar bears.
