
人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit2 Bridging Cultures Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-05 17:47

人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit2  Bridging Cultures Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.
1. Where does this conversation take place?
2. Who are the people speaking?
3 .What are they talking about?
1. What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms Hu's family?
2. Why did Aisha want to become a teacher?
3. Why do students learning Chinese see it as beneficial to their future?
Because learning Chinese would help them find good jobs at Chinese companies.
Imagine you're interviewing a student at a Confucius Institute in another country about his or her experience. Work with a partner to brainstorm what the interviewer might ask and how the student might answer. Then role-play the interview. Use the phrases and questions in the box to help you.
A: Hi, Jane. Welcome to the show! 
B: Thanks for inviting me.
A: Tell us, what was your biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the beginning?
B: Well, I suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.
A: I bet! Did joining the Confucius Institute help overcome this problem?
B: Absolutely! Getting involved with Chinese cultural activities there definitely helped a lot. I got to practice my Chinese on a daily basis, and I could learn how native Chinese speakers spoke.
A: What do you feel is your biggest achievement?
B:  Learning Chinese characters! I have learnt about 1,500 so far. When I first started, I didn't think it was even going to be possible to learn so many, but now I find that I can read signs, menus, and even some easy newspaper articles.
