
人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit3 Food and Culture Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

2024-01-05 18:02

人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit3  Food and Culture Period 4 课件(该课件内含音频文件)

1. How is Hunan cuisine somewhat different from Sichuan cuisine?
The heat in Sichuan cuisine comes from chillies and Sichuan peppercorns. Human cuisine is often hotter and the heat comes from just chillies.
2.What are the reasons why Hunan people like spicy food?
Because they are a bold people. But many Chinese people think that hot food helps them overcome the effects of rainy or wet weather.
3.why do so many people love steamed fish head covered with chilies?
People love it because the meat is quite tender and there are very few small bones.
4.why does Tingting recommend bridge tofu instead of dry pot duck with golden buns?
Because bridge tofu has a lighter taste.
5 .why is red braised pork the most famous dish?
Because Chairman Mao was from Hunan, and this was his favorite food.
In groups of three, discuss what types of restaurant you would like to take a foreign visitor to, and why. Then take turns role-playing taking your foreign guest to the restaurant you have chosen. One of you should act as the foreign guest, one as the Chinese host, and one as the waiter or waitress. You may start like this:
A:  I ready love spicy food, so what dish would you recommend?
B:I suggest Mapo tofu.
A: Really? What's that?
B: It's tofu served in a spicy bean and chilli sauce with beef or pork. It's quite hot.
A:That sounds OK, except that I don't really like tofu. what else do you recommend?
B: You know, this restaurant has the best hot pot. You'll like it because it is really spicy and you decide what you want to put in it. That sounds great! But then we should order some cold drink as well.
