
人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit3 Food and Culture Period 5 课件

2024-01-05 18:03

人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit3  Food and Culture Period 5 课件

put more simply, while people continue to argue over whether or not fatty food is dangerous, we already know that sugar is a killer.
1 while conj.1)当……时;(引导时间状语从句)
It began to rain while we are playing on the playground.
My brother likes football , while I prefer basketball.
While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.
1.【辨析】 when, while与as引导的时间状语从句
(1)when引导时间状语从句时,从句的动作可与主句的动作发生,也可先于主句的动作发生。当表示两个动作同时发生·。when可与as, while互换。
He entered the room when/while/as the meeting was going on.正在开会时他走进了房间。
When she comes, I'll inform you.她来时我会告知你。
2. while引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词用延续性动词表示主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生。
Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。
They arrived while we were having dinner.我们正在吃饭时,他们到了
3. as 引导时间状从句时强调从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生,可以做“一边…一边…”
The students took notes as they listened.
Nowadays, I have a big problem. I always eat too much, and I like to eat fast food so much though I know it is junk food. As a result, I become fatter and fatter. What’s more, I have a poor appetite(胃口). I often feel tired. I have seen the doctor who said that is just because of my eating habit. I want to know your attitude to Chinese food and western food. Could you give me some suggestions and give me a healthy recipe for me?
