
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit1 ART Period 4 课件

2024-01-05 18:40

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit1  ART Period 4 课件

1. Which film does the speaker mainly talk about?
2. When were the three ink wash animation films produced?
3. Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation?
4. What is the speaker‘s attitude towards the ink wash animation style?
5.How do you feel about this kind of film?
1. Which film does the speaker mainly talk about?
ink wash animation film
2. When were the three ink wash animation films produced?
1960 Tadpoles Searching for Mother
1963 The Cowboy's Flute           
1988 Feeling from Mountain and Water
3. Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation?
The film is not only appealing to the eyes and ears, but also rich in emotion.
4. What is the speaker‘s attitude towards the ink wash animation style?
He is fond of it and thinks it is unique and a traditional art form of Chinese painting.
5.How do you feel about this kind of film?
As for me, I don’t show too much interest in this art form now, because I have grown up and don’t watch ink wash animation films any more.
Signpost markers are phrases and expressions that are used to tell a listener what is going to be talked about next. Speakers use signpost markers when they want to introduce a new topic, to start a new point, to give an example, to summarize, etc. By listening to signposts, you will be able to follow what is being said.
