
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit5 Poems Period 1 课件

2024-01-05 19:26

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit5  Poems Period 1 课件

1 Which two poems have rhyming lines?
Poems A and B. 
2. What does the phrase “hundreds of” in Poem B highlight?
Only one. 
3. What kind of feeling is conveyed in Poem F?
4.What are distinctive features of poems?
Poetry often includes economical use of words, and arrangement of words, lines ,rhymes and rhythm
Here are some simple forms of English poems. Nursery rhymes may not make sense,but they are easy to learn and recite.(要点1) List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases with a pattern and a rhythm.(要点2) The cinquain conveys a strong picture with a few words,only five lines.(要点3) Haiku,a Japanese form of poetry,gives a clear picture and creates a special feeling using few words, consisting of 17 syllables.(要点4) A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English.(要点5) 
教材原句p.50 Compared with other forms of literature...what are the characteristics of poetry? 
1. compared with/to... 与……相比(多在句中作状语)
Compared with/to the second corporation,the first is more promising.
compare A with/to B    把A 和B 作比较
compare with/to    与……相似;比得上
compare A to B    把A 比喻成B
compare notes    交换看法或意见
We usually compare books to friends. 我们通常把书比喻成朋友。
We often compare a teacher to a gardener. 我们常常把老师比喻成园丁。
