
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Period 2 课件

2024-01-05 19:13

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit3  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Period 2 课件

try drawing a diagram试着画一个图表
allow you to visualize the problems more clearly使你更清楚地想象问题
cut the emission of greenhouse gases减少温室气体排放
sustain a colorful lifestyle保持丰富多彩的生活方式
comprehensive quality综合素质
attract worldwide attention吸引全世界的关注
a frequent visitor常客
be seized by curiosity被好奇心所吸引
carbon footprints碳足迹
be seized by panic惊慌失措
1. reform vi. & vt. & n. (1)vi. & vt. 改革;(使)改正;改造(行为) 
As far as I am concerned,the law needs to be reformed. 依我看,法律需要进行改革。
She thought she could reform him. 她觉得她可以使他洗心革面。 
He has promised to reform. 他许诺要改过自新。
(2)n. 改革;变革;改良
a government committed to reform 致力于改革的政府
far-reaching/major reforms 意义深远的/ 重大的变革        
the reform of the educational system 教育体制的改革        
reforms in education 教育改革
教材原句p.28 According to the report submitted by researchers, between 20 and 25 percent of all annual carbon dioxide emissions are caused by... 根据研究人员提交的 报告,每年20%到25%的二氧化碳排放是由……造成的。
2. submit vi. & vt. (1)提交,呈递(文件、建议等) 
搭配:submit...to... 把……提交给…… 
to submit an application/a claim 呈递申请书/ 书面要求        
to submit a complaint 提交控诉书
Your monthly budget must be submitted to the company on the first day of each month. 
你每月的预算必须在每月1 日提交给公司。
You must submit your application before 1 January. 申请须于1 月1 日前提交。
