
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGE Period 5 课件

2024-01-05 19:23

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit4  ADVERSITY AND COURAGE Period 5 课件

1. What did the crew use to make fire on the island? 
Animal fat.             
2. What did the crew depend on to live on? 
Sea creatures ;  drink the melted ice .     
3. Why was it dangerous to wear too many clothes? 
The changing temperature could make them ill.     
4. How did the men stay in good spirits while waiting to be rescued? 
Discipline and team spirit kept them optimism and helped them deal with their fears.
They also celebrated their birthdays, festivals and even the times when they caught a sea animal.
5. What were the key reasons for their survival?
Their optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped them persevere in staying alive.
On the isolated island,we melted ice to drink and made fire by burning animal fat.(要点1)Meat of the sea creatures was our only food and I had to vary the meals in any possible ways.(要点2)Besides,we should make sure we should not wear too many or too few.(要点3)Our discipline and team spirit helped us deal with the tough conditions.(要点4)
教材原句p.44 But how could we make fire? 但是我们怎么生火呢? 
1. make fire 生火
When I was young,I see people use branches to make fire. 当我小的时候,我看见人们用树枝来生火。
【归纳拓展】与fire 相关的短语汇总: 
set fire to 点着了……;放火烧……     catch fire 着火    be on fire 着火      put out a fire 灭火fight a fire 救火 
The police haven’t found out who set fire to the storehouse. 警方还没查出是谁放火烧了仓库。
Don’t stand too close to that stove. Your clothes may catch fire. 不要站得太靠近那个火炉,你的衣服可能着火。
At last the firemen put out a big forest fire in California. 消防员终于扑灭了在加利福尼亚州的一场森林大火。
教材原句p.44 This gave off oily,black smoke,but it stayed burning even in strong winds. 这释放出油乎乎的黑烟,但即使在强风中它仍在燃烧。
2 . give off 放出(热、光、气味或气体);散发出;放射出
The wood gave off a sweet,perfumed smell as it burned. 木头燃烧时散发出甜甜的香味。
Natural gas gives off less carbon dioxide than coal. 天然气的二氧化碳排放量少于煤。
【归纳拓展】与give 相关的短语汇总: 
give in(to)(向……)让步,屈服于……     give up 放弃
give away 泄露;赠送,分发        give back 归还;使恢复
give out 用完,耗尽;分发,散发        give way to 给……让路;向……让步
I have a stubborn friend who seldom gives in to others. He insists that he is always right. So he never listens to advice given to him to give up smoking. Because of smoking,he can easily give out at work, and finds it difficult to give back his strength. Besides,he gives off a terrible smell of smoke. 我有一个固执的朋友,他很少向别人让步。他坚持认为自己总是对的,所以从来不听别人给他的戒烟忠告。由于吸烟,他在工作时很容易疲劳,而且发现很难恢复体力。此外, 他身上散发出一种难闻的烟味。
