
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit2 Healthy Lifestyle Period 1 课件

2024-01-05 19:00

人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit2  Healthy Lifestyle Period 1 课件

1. How does a teenager prevent bad habits from ruling his or her life?
By becoming aware of bad habits and changing them properly.
2. What’s the purpose of the two examples in the fifth paragraph? 
To tell us how to change bad habits by adapting bad habit cycles. 
3.How can a choice lead to a habit?
First, we make a choice to do something that will make us feel good, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon, we will get used to it and it will become automatic and be harder to quit.
4.what are the three stages of the habit cycle?
cue, routine and reward
5.How can a person use discipline to help change a bad habit?
A person uses some disciple to behave himself and repeatedly take small steps to change for the better; if a person violates the disciple, he or she should punish himself/herself and then move on till he/she reaches the goal.
Forming good habits is beneficial to a teenager’s life.(要点1 )But teenagers tend to form bad habits,which could do great harm to them. They have to become aware of their bad habits early and change them properly.(要点2) To our joy,understanding the “habit cycle” helps with it. What we need to do is check our bad habit cycles and then change them.(要点3)Do remember getting rid of bad habits won’t happen all of a sudden but needs a long time of self-discipline.(要点4) 
